Empty Flower 2023

Size: 19 x 13 in

Material: Digital

What would you do if you accidentally entered a mysterious world where everything matches your desired dream life? Would you stay or leave? Inviting you to have a peek of an imaginative world, Empty Flower is a world-building project about a young man’s journey traveling inside a mysterious hidden world that seemed to be made perfectly for him. Borned of his mundane and unfortunate repetitive life in reality,  he enjoyed his stay there. But lately he gradually noticed a series of bizarre events happening and something was obviously wrong with the nice and kind ‘people’ he met in this utopia place……

The title Empty Flower, or 空华,  is a Buddihst term, meaning the flicking and blurry light one sees when closing their eyes. It implies all the delusions, paranoia and illusions. This term is often translated into a less formal phrase “The flower in mirror, the moon in water 镜花水月”, emphasizing the idea of things one could see and believed to be the truth but does not actually exist.